Crush Wednesday will be a running feature and I plan to share actors and characters with my lovely readers. Sometimes I crush on an actor, and other times I crush on a character the actor portrays. Not to mention all the book men I'm in love with.

I'm starting Crush Wednesday with my first crush, Tom Selleck. Yup, Tom Selleck. As Magnum. I own the whole show and it's one of my absolute favorite things ever made.
Magnum is a complete character. Backstory wound, running love story, friends who will help him no matter what.
One of my great-aunts met him once, when she went to visit her daughter who was stationed at Pearl Harbor. Another one of my dearest friends was in the Navy in the 80's, stationed in Hawaii while the show was filming, and she found out where he went running every morning. So she could go too. She saw him a couple times, but never worked up the nerve to say anything.
My parents have been to Hawaii twice. Every single clothing store you go in, you're told "Tom Selleck bought his shirts here." I have no idea where he really bought them, but I do have a couple from Hilo Hattie's.
Tom has grown no less fine as he's aged. He's up there with Sean Connery in "gets hotter as he gets older" category.
Tom Selleck wasn't my first crush, but he is the reason I watched "Magnum, PI." But I enjoy his characters that are on the humorous side, so I haven't watched any of his new stuff. Heck, it's not like I have a lot of TV viewing time anyway! :)