About Me

I wrote my first novel in 2o11, a historical romance set in my hometown in 1857. I spent four years working at a cotton plantation turned museum, getting paid to research and reenact. Talk about a sweet job for a history nerd!

I'm also the daughter of a confirmed super-geek. At some point, it was inevitable I start writing what my mom lovingly refers to as "weird stuff."

I grew up on a mix of history, fairy tales, and science fiction. At a young age, probably around nine, I discovered I liked watching characters fall in love. My first piece of writing--long since lost in a move--was filling in the missing pieces of Ariel and Eric's relationship in The Little Mermaid, between the spinny beach kiss and the wedding. I think I was around ten. And it was from Eric's point of view.

I can quote The Little Mermaid, almost verbatim. I love Disney movies and fairy tales to this day. I read my first grown-up romance when I was eleven, with my mom's permission. If I'm not watching TV or writing, I probably have my nose stuck in a romance. Nothing makes me happier than that perfect, sigh-inducing, happily ever after.

But what do I do when I'm not writing? Sleep. Counted cross-stitch. Knit/crochet. Read romance. Watch my shows, like Criminal Minds, Arrow, The Flash, Big Bang Theory, Once Upon A Time, Doctor Who, The Walking Dead, and Orphan Black. Watch terrible movies with my sister. Binge Gilmore Girls or M*A*S*H on Netflix.

I ship Olicity, consider myself a Browncoat, a Scaper, a Trekkie, a Oncer, and I'm a member of #CloneClub. I call Lucas Hunter my alpha and wish Acheron was real. And mine. I also love Queen Anne houses, Victorian everything, convertibles, cat shifters, post-grunge and operatic goth rock, and 1940's big band swing. I've seen Dave Matthews in concert and met Nalini Singh twice. I'll watch anything with Cary Grant or Shirley Temple in it, love Broadway musicals, and attend midnight showings of Star Trek movies.

The boring background stuff is I'm the oldest of four, homeschooled, a country girl, an Arkansas Razorback and New Orleans Saints fan, and mommy to a half-crazed calico named Zoe. I live in the heart of Louisiana with my family and can't imagine living anywhere else.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you find plenty to explore in my world of hero-focused romance.